Partner City
Early Furrows
The Town of Provost is located in east-central Alberta, just west of the border with Saskatchewan. If one were to draw a triangle between the cities of Edmonton, Calgary, and Saskatoon, Provost would be at the centre of it. The town was founded in the heady days of the Western Boom from 1905 to 1914, with the first settlers arriving in 1907. The town grew rapidly following the first rail service in 1910, attracting hundreds of homesteaders from Eastern Canada, the United States, Norway, Germany and the British Isles. The town grew up around the railway station, and Provost's selection for a hospital and seat of Municipal District No. 52 (Provost), as well as the development of oil and gas, led to its becoming the main commercial and administrative hub of the region. Today around 2,000 people live in the town, many descended from the first settlers from a century ago. There is a strong sense of community pride, evidenced by the town becoming a national finalist in the Communities in Bloom initiative for several years running. You can take our walking tour of downtown Provost to learn about the people and ideas that shaped the town. You can also take our audio driving tour. It includes stops at: the Provost & District Museum, which has extensive outdoor and indoor collections; the unique St. Norbert's Catholic Church in Rosenheim, built in the Gothic Revival style German settlers; and the Bodo Archaeological Site, a remarkable ongoing excavation of a buffalo kill site used by the First Peoples for many thousands of years.
This project is a partnership with the Town of Provost, with assistance provided by the Provost & District Museum.
We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which Provost is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground and home for many Indigenous Peoples, including Cree, Stoney, Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Métis, and Nakota Sioux Peoples.
Virtual Tours
Provost's Pioneer Era
Origins of a Prairie Town
A Journey Through Time
Exploring the Provost District's Rich History
Then and Now Photos
Elephant on Parade
ca. 1910s
A circus elephant marches in a parade down 50th Street on the occasion of a travelling circus visiting Provost. In the background you can see some curious spectators in front of the Foss & Brue Pioneer Store.
Marching Band
Ca. 1909
A small marching band on 50th Street in front of a relatively small crowd. You can see the impressive Canadian Bank of Commerce building at right, which was for a long time the most substantial building in Provost. Judging by the small number of people and the apparent lack of any grain elevators or rail grade in the background, this was taken on Dominion Day 1909, before the arrival of the railway.
Original St. Norbert's
Provincial Archives of Alberta A4952
ca. 1916
A view showing the first St. Norbert's catholic church at Rosenheim, which was replaced in the 1920s by the much more impressive structure you see today. This church was built by Mr. Kluck.
St. Norbert's
Ca. 1920s
A view of St. Norbert's church in Rosenheim. Judging by the cars, this photo was taken shortly after the Gothic Revival style church was completed in 1926.
View from the Elevator
Ca. 1940s
This photo was taken from an elevator and gives an excellent view of Provost's Main Street. The tall building in the right foreground is the Commercial Hotel. The white building in the distance and further to the right is the old fire hall. In the distance at the end of the main street you can see the hospital, which is still separated from the rest of town by some fields. Also worth noting in the foreground in the middle of the intersection where the IGA now stands you can see the cenotaph that honours those who fell in service for Canada in the world wars. The cenotaph has since been moved.
Kids in the Snow
Two boys frolick in a huge snow drift in the middle of 50th Street following a great blizzard in February 1948.
Blizzard of 48
Huge snow drifts have blocked much of 50th Street following a great blizzard.
St. Mary's Church
Provincial Archives of Alberta A8944
ca. 1951
A quarter view of St. Mary's Catholic Church
Medical & Dental Building
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13266
A doctor's and dentists office at centre, beside the billiard parlor and barber shop.
Billiard Parlor
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13267
The Billiard Parlor & Barber Shop was a hugely popular hangout in Provost from the 1910s well into the 1950s. Beside it we can see the 5 - 1.00 Store, selling jewelry and containing a beauty parlor.
Kluck's Drug Store
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13273
The east side of 50th Street is visible here looking up towards the bank in the distance. This photo was taken for insurance company records in 1951, and in the foreground you can see Kluck's Drug Store, and behind it Johnstone's Hardware Store.
Royal Theatre
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13269
The Royal Theatre, built in the Art Deco style, and beside it the Club Cafe, owned by one of Provost's Chinese entrepreneurs. Many a date night started with a malt at the Club Cafe before catching a film at the theatre.
Chamney's Store
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13263
The shops on the northwest corner of 50th Street and 50th Avenue, showing Chamney's Store on the right.
Starr Store
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13274
The Starr Store, a popular clothing outlet, and beside it Burr's Grocery.
The Commercial Hotel
Ca. 1950s
The three-storey Commercial Hotel as seen on a busy day in the 1950s. It would later be destroyed by fire and replaced by the Provost Motor Inn.
A Wintry Day
Ca. 1980s
A view up 50th Street on a cold winter's day, looking past the Provost Motor Inn, which had replaced the Commercial Hotel after it burned down.
High Aerial View
Ca. 1960s
A colour aerial photo of Provost looking northeast over the town.
Panorama View (Right)
ca. 1920s
The right section of a panorama looking up 50th Street.
Panorama View (Left)
ca. 1920s
The left section of a panorama looking up 50th Street.
Showing off Chevys
ca. 1910s
One of the first car dealerships in Provost, selling shiny new Chevrolets, was once located on this spot on 51st Street. The dealer has proudly lined up his automobiles for a photograph. As soon as cars became cheap enough for widespread ownership in the 1910s, Albertans embraced them with enormous enthusiasm. They were an exciting symbol of modernity, freedom, and success.
Dick's Photo Studio
ca. 1960s
Dick's Photography Studio advertising Kodak cameras and photographic prints in the window.
Stuckky Bros.
ca. 1950s
A man, presumably one of the Stuckky Bros., poses for a photo with his company dump truck outside a home that has survived to this day.
View from the East
ca. 1910s
This photograph was taken from atop one of the grain elevators that lined the railway track, looking towards 50th Street from the east. In the picture you can see at the far left the rear of the old Commercial Hotel, which is today occupied by the brown-sided Provost Motor Inn. Also at centre you can see the gable roof of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, one of the most prominent buildings in town in that period. It doesn't survive, but it was located directly facing across the street from today's old red brick bank building, which is visible.
The East Side
ca. 1920s
In this birds eye view shot taken from the top of an elevator showing the east side of Provost, the most obvious difference is that all the trees that had just been planted along the boulevards have today grown into a great canopy shading much of Provost's neighbourhoods. Planting and tending to the trees on these boulevards was the hobby of one of the town's first police officers, Tom Morrell. He certainly left a lasting legacy to the community.
You can also see the steeple of St. Mary's Catholic Church along the skyline, and while today the building survives as the Seniors Community Centre, the steeple has been removed.
Along Elevator Row
ca. 1920s
A grainy photo looking down the tracks that gives a good impression of the giant elevators that once towered over Provost.
Seeking out Shade
ca. 1908
A pre-railway view of the east side of 50th Street showing a number of wooden stores that have not survived to the present. It appears to have been a very hot summer day, and you can see many men and women standing under the awning in the shade peering back at the photographer.
Pat's Garage Burned Down
ca. 1980s
The ruins of Pat's Garage after it burned down in the mid-1980s.
The Old Fire Hall
ca. 1940s
The fire hall that once stood on this piece of municipal property. The prominent bell tower makes it easy to spot from a distance, and would summon volunteer firefighters whenever the dreaded call of a fire came. The small building would be rendered obsolete by the enormously expanded space required to house a professional fire service and all their modern equipment.
Fox Service Station
ca. 1940s
A truck carrying a piece of equipment trundles down 51st Street, with the Fox Service Station visible at right.
Over the Tracks
ca. 1910s
A view from atop an elevator looking across the tracks into town. You can see a small train at the station with, it appears, two boxcars and a passenger car. Presumably the distinction between freight and passenger trains was not as hard and fast in the days when railways ruled the prairies.
A Horse
ca. 1910
A rather forlorn looking saddle-less horse stands in the street in front of the station. This picture must have been taken in 1910 or shortly thereafter as there are only two elevators yet built, though the tracks are crowded with boxcars.
Jubilee Parade
Schoolchildren in uniform parade down 50th Street on July 1, 1927, the Diamond Jubilee (50th anniversary) of Canadian Confederation. This was the first time that Dominion Day (Canada Day today) was nationally observed, and a cause for great celebrations across the country.
Lutheran Church
ca. 1940s
The Lutheran Church in its original context. Today it has been relocated to the grounds of the Provost & District Museum and is a fascinating attraction.
In Front of Larson's
ca. 1910s
Several men pose for a photo in front of Larson's Hardware Store, the oldest continually operating business in Provost.
Lutheran Congregation (Left)
ca. 1960s
A photo taken from the altar of the Lutheran church showing part of the congregation.
Lutheran Congregation (Right)
ca. 1960s
A photo taken from the altar of the Lutheran church showing part of the congregation.
Early Main Street
University of Alberta PC029134
ca. 1909
A pre-railway view of Provost's main street, showing clearly the storefronts on both sides of the street, including Foss & Brue's Pioneer Store on the foreground corner on the right, and Larson's Hardware Store on the foreground corner on the left.
50th St. in the 80s
ca. 1970s
A view down 50th Street on a winter's day in the 1980s. Notable is the grain elevator still standing at the end of the street and dominating the skyline.
An Arriving Train
People stand amidst piled up goods on the railway platform as a train chugs into the station.
West from 50th St.
ca. 1970s
A winter day in the 1980s showing Pat's Garage (left middle distance) shortly before it burned down.
Ruins of the Hotel
The smouldering remains of the Provost Hotel (previously known as the Commercial Hotel) after it burned down in 1980 after a fire started in the basement. This institution had stood since 1908, and was replaced by the Provost Motor Inn.
B - A Service Station
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13270
The B - A Service Station showing two pumps on the street out front.
Blacksmith Shop
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13272
A man welds a piece of farm equipment in the deeply rutted road in front of the blacksmith and welding shop that once stood on this spot.
Building St. Mary's
ca. 1910
St. Mary's Catholic Church is under construction in this early photo.
Class Photo
Teachers and students pose for a school photo out front of the old red brick schoolhouse in this slightly distorted photo.
First Lutheran Church
ca. 1909
Two men on a cart pose for a photo in front of the shed-sized Lutheran Church. It would be superseded by a much more suitably sized house of worship shortly after.
Tent Store
The first Foss & Brue Pioneer Store that stood on this spot. It was a tent.
Harford Store
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13265
The Art Deco inspired Harford Store, a clothing outlet.
The Chinese Laundry
ca. 1920s
A couple buildings on 50th Avenue, directly across the street from the train station. The building at right was the laundry operated by the Wah Brothers, who had purchased it from Provost's first Chinese pioneer, Lee Lung.
Provost Locker Plant
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13264
The Provost Locker Plant which had a rather distinctive facade and hipped roof.
Meiklejohn Garage
ca. 1920s
The E.G. Meiklejohn Garage, with a man, presumably Meiklejohn, showing off his new touring car.
Methodist Church
The Methodist Church in 1914 shortly after its construction. It has since been replaced by a much larger church.
Murat Plumbing
Provincial Archives of Alberta A13271
Two businesses on 50th Avenue, the one at left is Murat Plumbing and Heating.
Children by the Train
ca. 1950s
A young family watch as a several men use an Imperial Oil tanker car to fill up a truck with gas.
Pat's Garage
ca. 1930s
A photo of Pat's Garage, which once stood on this spot.
Provost Hotel
ca. 1940s
A good view of the Provost Hotel in the 1940s. Notice the cenotaph at right, which once stood at the end of 50th Street but has since been relocated.
St. Norbert's Front View
ca. 1930s
A view of St. Norbert's from the front.
View of the exterior of St. Mary's Church in Provost, Alberta
Provincial Archives of Alberta A4951
High Aerial View
ca. 1980s
A distant aerial view of Provost taken from the northeast.